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How to get started with PageProof. Firstly, lets create your trial account.

Let’s create your free trial account

Setting up a trial with PageProof is simple. All you need is an email address.

Let’s review

When you’re invited to provide feedback on a proof, here’s how to start.

PageProof CEO and co-founder Gemma Hurst

View the proof

Image of a green button with the words: view proof

Either click VIEW PROOF in your proof invitation email, or click the GET STARTED button below, then click the proof tile in your dashboard INBOX

PageProof CTO and co-founder Marcus Radich

Use your red pen

Add a comment using the red pen, drawing pen, text highlighter or general comment tools.

PageProof user avatar Rei

Click the green button

Image of a green button with the words: finished
Image of a green button with the words: approve
Image of a green button with the words: send to do list.

Forgot to say something?

PageProof automatically archives proofs you have finished with. You can still get back to your proof by clicking on the link in your email, or in your notifications. You can always use the search on the dashboard too.

Getting started with PageProof’s online proofing can be found in more detail in our guide.

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