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Marketing compliance with checklists

The need to ensure artwork is compliant with marketing needs and an organization’s brand guidelines is crucial. Accurate, brand compliant creative builds trust with consumers. Brand trust is directly linked with the success of marketing activities.

Proof checklists

Checklists is a powerful feature that adds a list of essential items to be checked off whilst reviewers are proofing creative. Checklists are fully customizable and can be used to provide helpful instructions for various teams involved in the proofing process. As reviewers check off items, full visibility of who has checked off an item and when is seen immediately, ensuring efficiency for everyone involved.

A PageProof checklist with 5 out of 9 items checked off.
Checklists are fully audited – it’s easy to see who checked off an item and when.

Save time with checklist templates

Team administrators can create checklist templates to be used by team members when creating proofs. Even control whether a checklist must be completed before final approval can be given.

Control settings for checklist view
Control the settings of a checklist on a proof-by-proof basis.

Powerful compliance

Checklists go beyond seeking overall sign-off on creative work to highlighting essential requirements that need to be considered and checked off before final approval can be given – adding another layer of visibility and traceability to creative workflows. By combining checklists with the power of PageProof’s collaborative online proofing platform which includes automated controlled workflows, PageProof becomes integral when seeking marketing compliance for all creative work – of any kind.

Talk with our team today to discuss how checklists can help your team when reviewing and approving creative work.

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About Gemma

Gemma is the CEO and co-founder of PageProof. After years of working with the creative industry, she saw a better way to facilitate feedback on creative work.