Looming deadlines: Making sure proofs come back on time

What if someone is taking too long to give you feedback? We have that covered with automatic reminders, nudging, and skipping.

Automatic reminders

When you create a proof, you can set an automatic reminder to occur either a number of hours, or days, before the proof deadline – and after the deadline has passed too. A friendly notification is sent out automatically to those reviewers who haven’t finished reviewing the proof – without you having to lift a finger.

Nudging reviewers

A nudge will send the reviewer an email reminding them there’s a proof waiting for them to look at. Kind of like a tap on the shoulder to say “Remember my proof?”. You can nudge everyone on the proof at once, or just a single reviewer if you like.

Skipping mandatory and gatekeeper reviewers

If any mandatory and gatekeeper reviewers haven’t left their decision on the proof yet, you can choose to skip them so that the proof can continue through the workflow. This is a bit like bypassing them so the next group of reviewers can begin proofing. They’ll be notified by email they’ve been skipped, but they still have their red pen to add comments to the proof until the proof is returned to the owner with a to-do list or a final approval.

Of course, all these actions are audited, and PageProof’s reporting will give you valuable insights if any bottlenecks are occurring across your organization’s proofs.


About Gemma

Gemma is the CEO and co-founder of PageProof. After years of working with the creative industry, she saw a better way to facilitate feedback on creative work.