A move to smarter online review will change your team’s world

And result in faster execution of brand-approved campaigns!

When should you look at moving away from traditional methods of reviewing work, either with your team internally or with clients?

  • Are you attaching a low-res Adobe Acrobat PDF into an email and asking your colleagues and clients for feedback?
  • Perhaps you put the file in a shared workspace such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Box or Microsoft Sharepoint to name a few, then ask your reviewers to open the files there to see the work to be commented on?
  • Maybe you print out copies of your work and try to circulate them and gather feedback in that manner?
  • Phone calls to chase reviewers? Hand-written mark ups on printouts landing back on your desk? An overly cluttered email inbox of opinions and change requests? Frustration present for everyone involved?


Online proofing removes feedback chaos

In all these cases and more, feedback from your team, clients and peers will be coming from a variety of sources that are unproductive to you and in most cases unmanageable without a considerable amount of effort – from you and everyone involved.

Collaboration before online proofing is chaotic, frustrating and inefficient.

Online proofing is where review of files takes place in one place – online. It eliminates feedback chaos.

Imagine a new world

Imagine a world where everyone you’ve asked to review your work, can put their comments directly on the same file (in real-time) – with pinpoint precision to where they are referring to.

Think a little bigger, and imagine anything and everything you produce can be reviewed in this same manner.

After moving to online proofing everyone is on the same page. Collaborating on artwork is now streamlined and efficient.

Review anything and everything

Now imagine achieving this streamlined, pinpointed review world, only needs a browser to proof PowerPoint presentations, Adobe InDesign files, Acrobat PDFs, TV commercials, promotional videos, radio ads, websites and splash pages, web banners, documents, budgets in Microsoft Excel, storyboards, imagery, brochures, photography, logos in Adobe Illustrator…

Now you can send you work to anyone, anywhere in the world and all they’d need is a browser to look, review, comment, and approve it.

See how to review smarter

PageProof gives you this smarter way to review. It’s more than just simply online proofing. It is a smart system, designed to make you more productive, have fewer revisions, and have your reviewers giving you feedback and approval in the fastest possible way, with less fuss.

Book a demo now to see how PageProof is perfect for your team and see exactly why teams large and small, located all around the globe are rocket-fuelling their execution of brand-approved campaigns by reviewing smarter.

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About Gemma

Gemma is the CEO and co-founder of PageProof. After years of working with the creative industry, she saw a better way to facilitate feedback on creative work.