Marketing compliance with ease

With the increased use of digital content today, marketing and brand compliance are becoming even more critical for every company. Every marketer, content producer, project manager, and even technical manager, should be prepared to audit their marketing materials if the need arises, and ensure a tracked review and approval process is in place to avoid potential damage to the company’s brand, loss of customers, and even exposure to high fines.

Can you confidently say that your marketing approval process adheres to your compliance strategy right now? Do you have the essentials for an audit in place? Is the information easily retrieved with a click?

One-click audit

Ensuring that all marketing materials are compliant can be an ongoing challenge for companies, and it can be a repetitive, time-consuming, and complex task. PageProof removes these challenges and complexities and provides a crucial audit log for every proof. With one click, it’s easy to deep-dive into each event in the proof’s life cycle, see the detail of every decision made, and export this information quickly – thus eliminating the worry and time to manually gather this information to meet audit requests.

PageProof's audit functionality, showing a historical audit for each proof.
A full audit history is available for each proof.
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Download a PDF of the proof’s history

For those who like to store a more detailed record of the proof, it’s easy to download a PDF of the proof’s history detailing the feedback and approvals gathered from version to version. An approval record PDF is also an option.


Checklists – a list of items to be checked off by reviewers during the proofing process – are useful to maintain a standard of brand and marketing compliance. You can even ensure a checklist must be completed before a final approval is given. And of course, it’s easy to see exactly who checked an item and when.

A PageProof checklist with 5 out of 9 items checked off.
Checklists are fully audited – it’s easy to see who checked off an item and when.

Additional information security needs?

If your organization has additional information security and identification needs, PageProof’s enterprise plan will allow you to discover our world-class triple-layer encryption, data location optionssingle sign-onsecure cross-domain identity management, and added security – we’re confident we’ll tick all the boxes.

Need help with achieving brand compliance? Download our free ‘how-to’ guide.

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About Gemma

Gemma is the CEO and co-founder of PageProof. After years of working with the creative industry, she saw a better way to facilitate feedback on creative work.
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